Examples of Usage:
Send one file to partner(iBox2) and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -ftestfile.txt -peforward -sjohn -wdemo1 -oiBox1 -diBox2
Send one file to partner(iBox2) retrying 5 times(if needed) and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -ftestfile.txt -peforward -sjohn -wdemo1 -oiBox1 -diBox2 -a5
Send in batch mode to partner(iBox2) and run continuously (polling mode). This will send all files with extensions or a period in the name.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -f. -j\java\send -k\java\archive -peforward -sjohn -wdemo1 -oiBox1 -diBox2
Send one batch to partner(iBox2) and return to calling program. This will send all files with extensions or a period in the name.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -f. -j\java\send -k\java\archive -peforward -sjohn -wdemo1 -oiBox1 -diBox2 -a
Receive one file from partner(iBox1) and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -dbox1
Receive one file from partner(iBox1) renameing file try.txt and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -diBox1 -ftry.txt
Receive one file from partner(iBox1) and run process edit.exe and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -redit.exe -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -diBox1
Receive one file from partner(iBox1) retrying 5 times(if needed) and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -dibox1 -a5
Receive in batch mode from partner(iBox1) and run continuously with server callback.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -k\java\receive -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -diBox1
Receive in batch mode from partner(iBox1) and run process edit.exe and run continuously with server callback.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -redit.exe -k\java\receive -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -diBox1
Receive one batch from partner(iBox1) and return to calling program.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -k\java\receive -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2 -diBox1 -a
Receive in batch mode from ALL partners and run continuously with server callback.
jre eforward.client.EdiSend -v -hwww.jforward.com -r -k\java\receive -peforward -sbill -wdemo2 -oiBox2